Ellie is our newest Gentle Giant, along with her brother Bear.She has had advanced training and is very happy and social. Obediant, affectionate and loyal. Loves children.An excellent companion.
Ellie has the traditional Tan & Black coat. She is 1-1/2 years old and weighs 85lbs. She is currently undergoing testing to be ready to breed when she is 2 years old. We hope to have her first litter in early 2025.
Beauty is a 3rd generation Gentle Giant. She is the offspring of Angel and Rusty. Grand daughter of our Cash Retired Starr. The sweetest temperment, affectionate and protective and so much fun! Loves traveling. Beautiful Silky Coated Blanket Back.
Hips are OFA Certified, Degenerative Myelopathy Negative,DNA
Rosie is another Gentle Giant born in our home. She is the daughter of Cash and Sky.. Sweet, young and highly intelligent. She has been easy to train. She has the typical Gentle Giant temperament, very loving , but protective of both her human and dog family. SHE Loves to fetch and loves her toys. Her smooth coat carries Red Tones.
Hips are OFA Certified, Degenerative Myelopathy Negative, DNA
Rosie will retire in 2025